You may be wondering why we even made this film. I sometimes wonder that myself because it's been such a big project and it's been so much has happened to allow this to come to fruition. But the bottom line is we made this film for you. We made this film so that not just a handful of people all over the world can start benefit from letting go, so that everyone could. In just an hour and eight minutes, you can learn how to let go of the stress, the tension, the anxiety. All the things that have been holding you back from having, being, and doing whatever you want in life. And that's just the beginning. As you work with letting go, as you explore the Sedona Method, you'll discover that everything opens up for you and it's not just for you. What you'll discover is as you watch the film, each time you watch it, you'll get more out of it. Plus, as you watch the film, you want to share it with others just naturally because it's really fun. It's really fun to watch other people let go. It's really fun to view the movie in a group. We've done that already, with just a few people and the benefits they got from watching it with their friends as opposed to just watching it by themselves have been astounding. That's also why we do seminars.
So basically, the film is a mobile seminar that you can put on yourself to help everyone that you care about. So we created this film also for the very simple reason that the product right now really needs a way to let go of all this excess pressure that's been building up inside of all of us, that's causing all these chaos in the world. And we feel that if enough of us start to let go, we'll start to take more constructive action and then the inner pressure, the inner chaos that's causing all the external chaos will start to subside and we have a chance of really doing something really positive for each other in the planet. So I highly encourage you to go to and please comment below.