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About The Sedona Method
Hi and thank you for your interest in The Sedona Method. My name is Hale Dwoskin. I am the co-founder of Sedona Training Associates, an educational training organization founded in 1996 to promote the revolutionary discoveries of my mentor and friend, physicist and engineer, Lester Levenson.
In 1952, Lester Levenson fell critically ill. His doctors informed him that he had only a few weeks to live. Lester turned to the laboratory within, seeking a way to revoke his pending death sentence. What he discovered in his exploration was that by releasing his non-love feelings, his health began to improve. Continuing with this experiment, he found that over a 3-month period, he had attained not only renewed health but actually perfect health and perfect peace of mind which lasted 42 years beyond his doctors’ expectations. It was from this state of mind, as well as his working with people over a 22-year period, that he inspired the creation in 1974 of what is now known as The Sedona Method.
I met Lester Levenson in 1976 and was immediately struck by Lester and what he taught. After immersing myself in the releasing process, I developed a close relationship with Lester that lasted up until his death in 1994. Several years before his death, Lester transferred all of his copyrights to me and asked me to continue his work with the world.
Sedona Training Associates was created to be the main vehicle for sharing Lester’s teachings with the world. Since that time, I have added over 28 years of experience and knowledge to the work, gleaned from practicing, sharing and teaching the Method with tens of thousands of people throughout the world.
During the almost three-decade history of The Sedona Method Course, thousands of people from all walks of life worldwide have benefited from this work. Today, live seminars are presented in many major US cities, as well as Canada, Europe and Australia. And the Sedona Method Course is now also available as an audio course.Read more at
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