Monday, November 29, 2010

Hot Video Squeeze Templates

video templates

60 + Video Optin & Squeeze Templates

video templates

60 + Video Optin & Squeeze Templates

Fully customizable, easy to install and multiple color schemes

Welcome to Hot Video Squeeze Templates

Unless you have been living under a digital rock over the past year, you probably have noticed that nearly EVERY major marketer is using video squeeze pages templates for their product launches and free reports.
The most popular collection
of video optin templates online.
It's clear to everyone following these launches that video converts.

Most of them have little to no copy on the website at all.
For years, long form sales pages have been the standard, but not only are Video salespages and templates faster and easier to setup, but they convert better!
It's easier than you think to start using video in your own business.
All you need is a hosting account, a youtube account and an email service to create a video squeeze template in minutes
But I know that this seems daunting to many newbies and "non-html" people.
That is why I had this package created.
By purchasing today you will receive instant access to my exclusive member's area. You'll be able download 60+ video squeeze page templates and bonuses that you can use right away for optin pages, salespages and more.
Just follow my installation videos and tutorials to configure your templates for optimal conversions. If you have any trouble I'll be happy to assist you with installation.
No matter what your niche, market, business or language, the template can be modified to suit your needs.
And finally, I've added in a ton of bonuses worth $100's of dollars.

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